personal coaching

personal coaching for individual clients


Each of us is unique and in our life journey we overcome many challenges. But just sometimes we may stumble across one which is rather hard to tackle on our own. Whatever your question or challenge is, coaching might be the tool you can use in your favor to find your support or answers.

Coaching is a confidential conversation in which we explore your journey towards your goal.

We will look for ways to achieve what you want.

In search of an answer or solution, coaching can help you to look at things differently. 

The role of a coach is to be your partner in the conversation, to listen, to notice, to give feedback but also to challenge you.

The focus will be to support you to explore your own resources, uncovering limiting believes, finding your direction or discovering the meaning of your actions or decisions.

As an ICF certified coach, I view coaching is an equal partnership between the coach and the client where both parties are 100% committed to the client’s success.
Coaching means working together through unique conversations with a goal and a structure. Together we explore the future from the perspective of here and now.

About you

You are ready to change. To work on yourself. You have the will, but missing the "how".

You want to...

... feel in control

You want to wake up every day energized and excited to embrace it. To feel you are in control of your own life even when thousands of responsibilities, shoulds and musts are flying around you.

...choose your direction

You want to be moving forward. You want to decide your own direction, define your own goals. You want to have a clear vision, to focus on things that matter and have determination to keep going forward.

...find your meaning

You want to explore what are your motives and align those with your decisions, actions and goals. You need help with understanding your priorities. To go deeper to understand what makes sense to you.

I am a coach!

My professional life began in international corporate employment and continued in a marketing and internal communication role in a major Slovak bank. Then followed maternity leave and eventually starting my own entrepreneur business.

I hold a Master's degree in Marketing from the Faculty of Management at Comenius University; a State Accredited Degree in Bakery; and a Diploma in Business Coaching issued by The International Centre of Business Coaching. I am an ICF certified coach on ACC level with more than 100+ coaching hours of coaching experience and 175+ hours of coaching-specific training. I continue my journey towards my accreditation on PCC level.

As a professional coach with an education accredited by the International Coaching Federation, my work with clients complies with ICF standards and adheres to the Coach's Code of Ethics; my clients can rely on discretion and a professional approach to the coaching process.

I work in English and Slovak and have experience with international clients from all across Europe and America.

For more information please see my full Coaching Framework below.

About us

If you think or feel coaching might be just for you and you would like to try it, please contact me for a chemistry meeting ;)

We can talk and discuss your goals, aspirations or what you might decide to bring along. I will share what I can or cannot offer and tell you more about how I work. It will be the space to ask questions and get answers.

The chemistry meeting usually takes half an hour, it's free of charge and costs only your time. If at the end we both decide that coaching is the right step for you, we will set up our first coaching session. We can agree on one or more sessions, it's up to you.

If we find out you need something else at that point of time, no problem; consider our chat as a little present from me :)

A single session

A single coaching session is a great option for coaching newcomers or previous clients who want a ‘tune up’ call.

  1x 60 minutes

in person / online

Price: 60 €

Bigger question

6x coaching session to accompany you on your journey to your goals, development aspirations and inviting changes into your life.

6x 60 minutes
in person / online
support for 3 months via e-mail

Price: 320 €

Individual plan

If you feel like you would prefer more personalized package, please feel free to contact me for further arrangements.

30-60 minutes sessions
in person / online
support via e-mail

Price: upon agreement

The prices reflect the standard charge for a session. If those are out of your budget (as for some of my student clients and moms on maternity leave), feel free to contact me for possible adjustments.


Petra Mečárová

Founder and PR Manager at Komunikačná agentúra 5ka

Coaching with Andrea was a great experience - her approach was professional, flexible, empathetic, perceptive and sensitive. I am grateful every day that I decided to choose Andrea as my coach. I found myself tiptoeing at one place and not moving forward. She was able to guide/direct me, patiently listened and helped me to find myself in the chaos and uncertainty. Today I know exactly what I want and what I don't want. Thanks to her, I walk confidentially my own way. Thank you!
Elena Bročková

PR & Event Manager

I deeply appreciated the understanding, empathy, trust, discretion and the questions Andrea used to help me find my own way. My experience of being coached with Andrea has lead me to my own answers and revealed her gift for listening to what has not been said and powerful questioning. Coaching with Andrea helped me to clarify my work direction and cleared my thoughts. Thank you and I look forward to working with her again.
Sofia P.

Undergraduate of Comenius University

Towards the end of my studies I found myself missing a clear picture of my next steps and options for starting a career. My friend recommended Andrea - she somehow helped me to find the answers through our enjoyable but challenging sessions together. I would recommend Andrea to anyone who is ready to take the next step in their life and embrace the change.
michaela s.

On maternity leave

I was very lucky to find a coach such as Andrea in our community center in Petrzalka! She was flexible and supportive to my challenging schedule with three kids. I also found it very useful she is a mum too and she understood how hard it is to start to concentrate on my goals again. I have definitely started to be more self aware and self-care became my priority, for which I am very thankful!




Karpatská 9


811 05



Thursdays  8:00 - 18:00

Online meetings via Zoom platform are available on Tuesdays and on Wednesday afternoons upon request.
